Larry Newton Outdoors, World Hunting Adventures
About Us
Larry Newton Outdoors is a Veteran Owned Small Business. I served in the US Navy from 1963 until 1972 and am now a retired Nuclear Training Consultant.
Born and raised in southeast MO, I grew up hunting and fishing with my Dad and pursuing my passion in the great outdoors. When I was a kid, we hunted all manner of small game, whatever was available. Ducks, geese, squirrels, rabbits, and quail were our primary pursuits. I never saw a deer or wild turkey until I was in my 20s but, now they are two of my favorite hunts.
Turkey Hunting
I have developed a passion for all five sub-species of the North American Wild Turkey and hunt them all every chance I get while helping other hunters achieve their Grand and Royal Slams. Our Osceola Turkey hunt in Levy County, FL is about as good as it gets. This is a small operation with a good friend, good lodge, great food and an awesome hunt. A great way to start your turkey season.
Another good friend conducts Eastern Turkey hunts in NE MO. He has a great whitetail operation there on around 20,000 acres and has a huge population of turkey as well as some awesome whitetail hunts.
Texas is synonymous with Rio Grande Turkeys and we hunt them up north in the panhandle where they are thickest.
The last bird on the Grand Slam list is the Merriam’s Turkey. We have gotten a little bit creative with this hunt and offer a two-state hunt for them. We offer one bird in WY and another bird in NE for one price. You will definitely want to check this one out.
Hunting in Mexico
The fifth sub-specie of wild turkey is the Gould’s. We do our Gould’s Turkey hunts in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. While Arizona offers some great hunts for the Gould’s turkey, we find that most people prefer hunting them in the mountains of Chihuahua. We hunt several ranches there from 5,000 to 23,000 acres and you never have to wait to draw a tag.
Luckily, Chihuahua is also home to one of the smallest sub-species of the whitetail deer…the gray ghost of the southwest…the Coues Deer. We conduct our Coues Deer hunts on the same ranches where we hunt the Gould’s Turkey. All of these ranches are in the Sierra Madre mountains and at an altitude of around 7,000 feet.
Approximately 500 miles east of there and just across the Rio Grande from Laredo, TX is the ranch where we offer our Whitetail Deer hunts. We have some really great trophy whitetails there and we offer both trophy and management hunts with rifle or bow.
This 5,000 acre ranch is home to a large number of jack rabbits, much to the delight of the local coyotes and bobcats, which makes for some great predator hunts. We also have plenty of feral hogs and javelina in case you tag out early on your deer hunt.
Dove hunting in Mexico is a very special trip. We have lots of birds and there are NO LIMITS on them. Nothing tops off a great day of wing-shooting better than sitting on the veranda with a cold pitcher of margaritas. It just doesn’t get much better than this.
Hunting in Mexico is not different than any other place you hunt. But, administratively, things are very different. All firearms in Mexico are controlled by the Mexican Army. So, when you want to hunt with us and bring your own gun, you need to give us at least a month to get all the paperwork thru the army.
Also, you can’t just walk into your local Walmart or sporting goods store and buy a hunting license. In Mexico, your hunting license is issued by the landowner and is really nothing more than a piece of paper signed by him giving you permission to hunt on his land.
When a landowner wants to allow hunting on his land, he either oversees the program himself or he may contract an outfitter. If he contracts an outfitter, the outfitter may issue the hunting license. The state where the land is located conducts a population survey for each specie of animal the landowner wants to hunt and determines how many tags the owner may be issued based on the population on the ranch, not the entire population in the state.
Importing Your Trophy
For sure, both the tag and hunting license are important documents to have when you want to import your trophy into the US because the USFWS will require you to have both in your possession when you present your trophy to them for inspection. They will also require a completed Form 3-177 and the USDA Inspector will require a Form 16-3. One of the most important pieces of information on the 16-3 is the name and address of the APHIS approved taxidermist who will receive your imported trophy. Be sure to check with your favorite taxidermist to make certain you have all this information before you leave for your trip.
If you have any questions, please give me a call or email me at Larry@LarryNewton.com.